
10 brilliant solar-powered bags to keep all your gadgets charged::::::::::

10 brilliant solar-powered bags to keep all your gadgets charged

Don't be left stranded on a hike with no way to Instagram the mountains.

Smartphones are essential tools for modern life, but they all suffer from one big problem: every so often you have to plug them in and charge them up.
And it seems like keeping our phones powered up is becoming increasingly challenging, with handsets demanding more and more precious battery life for their increasingly sophisticated features and whizzy graphics.
This means life can often feel like a constant hunt for USB ports and plug sockets. And, while keeping your phone juiced is just about doable when you're at home or in the office, what if you're going for a hike?
The good news is that there's an alternative source of energy available wherever you are: the sun. And technology is starting to harness its power, with solar-powered bags becoming increasingly common.
Yes, the idea of lugging a solar-powered bag around with you might seem a little lame – but you'll be the one laughing when you're able to Periscope your friends' misery at not being able to check Facebook.

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